Icône croissanceIcône helloIcône vidéo motion design marketing

We help your luxury hotel get more customers with video promotion !

87% of internet users book a hotel after seeing it on social media !

📱Social Media Hotel Agency📍Worldwide

We have a presence throughout every social networks :

Process :

  • Icône écriture
    Strategy Development
    We start by creating a tailored social media strategy for your hotel, aligning with your goals and target audience.
  • Icône Caddie
    Captivating Content Creation
    Our expert team develops engaging video content that highlights your hotel's unique features and experiences.
  • Icône Iphone
    Strategic Posting
    We schedule and post your videos strategically to maximize reach and engagement with your audience across various social media platforms.
  • Icône Calendrier
    Direct Website and Contact Redirection
    We strategically link your video content directly to your website or contact information, making it easy for interested viewers to take immediate action and connect with your hotel.
  • Icône Etoile
    Enjoy Your New Potential Guests
    Sit back and enjoy the influx of interest and inquiries from potential guests as your captivating videos and engaged social media presence attract new visitors to your hotel.
Logo Semrush

Different plans,for each need.

🥉 Story
1 499 €

Engaging Stories
Highlight Special Events
Timely Updates
Interactive Features
Swipe-Up Links
User-Generated Content
Story Highlights
Analytics Insights
🥈 Video
4 999 €

Visual Storytelling
Virtual Tours
Dining Experiences
Event Promotions
Guest Testimonials
Cinematic Quality
Emotional Appeal
Data-Driven Optimization
🥇Video + Story
5 999 €

Dynamic Combination
Comprehensive Coverage
Story to Video Flow
Multi-Layered Engagement
Promotion Versatility
Enhanced Visibility
Streamlined User Experience
A/B Testing
Conversion Tracking